Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!!
Just wanted to wish everyone who reads this a bery Merry Christmas. We are enjoying some time up in Michigan with my parents and sisters. It has been fun so far. One of the highlights is that we had a huge snowstorm yesterday, so there will be a white Christmas!! (yeah!!!!) i also have learned to play Guitar Hero.. and I LOVE IT!! I am not very good, but it is sooo fun. probably one of the only video games that i can play. :) I am sorry to anyone who reads this that i wasn't able to see this holiday season. i miss you all, and just wish there were more time to visit with everyone. so Merry Christmas to all, and hopefully i will get to see all of u sometime this coming year!!!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Cheyenne's 1st pony rind
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Poor Cheyenne
Poor little Cheyenne got the flu yesterday. It was a rough afternoon and night for her. And not only for her, but for me and Dave also...lets just say it was a lot of puke...all over the house :( now I have to try to get the nasty smell out. We are staying home from church today and drinking lots of pedilite. Hopefully she will get better soon. These are the days when I wish I was a stay at home mom so she wouldn't have to go to day care and be exposed to all those germs...
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Merry Christmas to Dave
While, I finally gave in and gave Dave the best Christmas present he could ever wanted.........yup thats right, we got a dog. I don't have any pics right now b/c i can't find my camera, but it is a really cute SMALL dog. It is a beagle/snouser(sp?) mix and his name is Scooter. One of our youths got him from her neighbor, but he didn't get along with their other dog, so i thought about it, and decided that if it didn't work out with them, that I would give it to Dave and Cheyenne for Christmas. Well last night at youth group, she came and told me that her dad could come and drop the dog off after youth group. So SURPRISE!! Dave and Cheyenne got an early present. I think it will work out a lot better than Sedona (our other dog) The one thing I really like about him is that he is really small...and not to say cute! oh and by the way Cheyenne LOVES him!! (and he gets along with her pretty well too)
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Definite Diva!!
Cheyenne is going to be a definite girly girl I think. Although she likes to run around a wrestle with daddy, she already LOVES to come her hair, and put on smelly lotion. If you allow her, she will talk on the phone forever, and she absolutly has the biggest shoe fetish I have even seen in a one year old!! We definitly got a girl...and to top it all off she has got the attitude of a diva!! Not looking forward to those teenage years!!!! hahahaha I will try to post some pics soon!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Random Thought
okay this goes out to all of you who are or ever have been pregnant, or anyone who has an opinion. Does being pregnant automatically mean you are helpless? No offense to all the wonderful people in my life, but lately it seems like I can't lift a finger to do anything without being told to stop it and take it easy!! it is driving me nuts!! The kids in the youth group won't let me play any of the fun games. my clients at work are like...."should you be doing that..let me put the weights back" and my loving husband won't let me help unload the car after a long road trip!!! Now am I being ridiculous! It is nice to have people help you out and stuff...but hey I am not on bedrest, I can still carry the laundry basket downstairs people!! :)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
what is wrong with me??:)
I just had a random thought. I am crazy...hahaha!! and I am officially a mom. I am sitting here at the computer eating the leftover easy mac that cheyenne didn't eat and I am using a Baby Fork!! every bit, i am thinking to myself, man it is hard eating this stuff with this fork, i should really get up and get a real one....but I keep on eating, and I don't move! :) hahahaha that is how lazy I am sometimes :) while it made me smile, maybe it will make you smile too
Friday, November 23, 2007
Its been a while since I have posted, and I am sorry. life has been so busy its not even funny. Last friday we took our youth group on a weekend retreat. It was really fun, but a lot of work, and not a lot of sleep. Then on Monday night we left for Dallas Texas. That is a butt long drive, let me tell you!! We ended up having to stop in Kansas and sleep for a while, because this pregnant lady just couldn't handle it anymore. We have been spending Thanksgiving in Texas with Dave's mom and brothers. it has been pretty good. I got to rest a lot cause gma took care of cheyenne. so it has been good. We are leaving for home tonight...hopefully cheyenne will sleep the whole time and not get car sick. well that is about all that is going on around here. oh and by the way, I did beat Dave at fantasy football!! it was a great accomplishment, and i will never let him live it down!! hahaha I ROCK!!!!!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Time Change
Okay, be honest...who hates the time change? While I DO!!! Why did we have to change our clocks, it is just messing up my life like crazy!!! :) First off, Cheyenne, doesn't understand it at all. and now that it gets lighter a whole lot earlier, she gets up a whole lot earlier. I had her on a good schedule, which I was proud of, she slept till at least 7:30 sometimes 8:00 every morning...which I can handle just fine. Now she is getting up at 6:30 which I can not handle!! ahhhh I just wan to sleep in one day...I want to be able to go back to the days where it didn't matter what time I got out of in college, where if you got up in time for lunch, you were good...oh i want to sleep like that again!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I am so tired!!!!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Do you ever feel like you just need a vacation. I mean we work day in and day out, and we are gonna be doing it for the next what 50 yrs!! oh man that makes me what to take a vacation!!!! I am looking forward to the holiday season, but I am not looking forward to the looooong butt drive to TX!! It will be a nice vaca, in warmer weather, but come on, it is such a long drive!!! that is what I am dreading!! So to everyone out there...i hope you get a nice vacation soon, to get a break from your every day schedule. I know I am sure looking forward to it. I am still trying to enjoy every day for what it is, but you know it is just fun to look forward to something!!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Catch Up
First off I want to say CONGRADULATIONS to our friends Jason and Nancy from St. Louis who had their first baby girl last week!! Her name is Ella Ruth and she was 8 lbs something. :) Pray for Nancy as she is having a hard recoverey, but is loving being a mom!
Things around the Grigoletti house has been pretty blue. We have all been sick, and it is not fun. Cheyenne has got something gonig on with her, a bad cough, always cranky and tired, and a little fever. I might take her to the doctor today, but I will just wait and see. Dave and I have bad colds. and I though I was done with morning sickness, but yesterday, I just couldn't hold anything down. But hopefully we will all feel better soon. Dave is out of town untill Monday, so my mom is coming to help take care of Cheyenne while I work. Lets see, what else...Halloween was pretty lame around here. Cheyenne and I were sick, so she didn't even dress up or hand out candy, she just slept....sorry no cute pics this year. Well that is about it around here, I am off to try to make my house a little presentable b4 my mom gets here!
Things around the Grigoletti house has been pretty blue. We have all been sick, and it is not fun. Cheyenne has got something gonig on with her, a bad cough, always cranky and tired, and a little fever. I might take her to the doctor today, but I will just wait and see. Dave and I have bad colds. and I though I was done with morning sickness, but yesterday, I just couldn't hold anything down. But hopefully we will all feel better soon. Dave is out of town untill Monday, so my mom is coming to help take care of Cheyenne while I work. Lets see, what else...Halloween was pretty lame around here. Cheyenne and I were sick, so she didn't even dress up or hand out candy, she just slept....sorry no cute pics this year. Well that is about it around here, I am off to try to make my house a little presentable b4 my mom gets here!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Where is it!!!
I still can't find my camera cord!! I have looked everywhere it seems... and the pic of cheyenne is just so cute..i want you all to see it!! ahh what can i do!! well i guess you will just have to wait unitll I really really clean my house!! hahaha now thats a funny joke!! have a great day
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Another Week
While it is Saturday again, and I guess that means that I should update. This week has been pretty dull. Although we went and got an ultrasound on Wednesday. That was awesome!! I didn't realize that the baby already has a head and arms and legs... i thought it was still like a tadepol..but no, it was growing and moving around..and looked very healthy. According to the ultrasound my due date has been moved to may 16...but you never can tell really!!
Today we went to the pumpkin patch and picked out some nice pumpkins! Cheyenne had a blast with the animals..although she called everything from the bunny to cows puppies!! I was gonna post some pics, but i can't find the camera cord right now....wait for those they will be up soon.
The most exciting news of the week is that my hours got cut!!! YEAH!! I will now only be working about 30 hrs. I am so happy..i won't be as tired and stressed, and I will be able to spend time with cheyenne, and actually be a wife and mother!! praise God!! Well thats all for now. We are having some friend over tonight, so I have to go try to cook something appetizing!! wish me luck!!!
Today we went to the pumpkin patch and picked out some nice pumpkins! Cheyenne had a blast with the animals..although she called everything from the bunny to cows puppies!! I was gonna post some pics, but i can't find the camera cord right now....wait for those they will be up soon.
The most exciting news of the week is that my hours got cut!!! YEAH!! I will now only be working about 30 hrs. I am so happy..i won't be as tired and stressed, and I will be able to spend time with cheyenne, and actually be a wife and mother!! praise God!! Well thats all for now. We are having some friend over tonight, so I have to go try to cook something appetizing!! wish me luck!!!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Time goes by
Well it is starting to seem like I will only update on Saturdays. man that is sad. This week has been pretty crazy. i started getting morning sickness...which is not fun!! I negociated with my boss, and the new job I got offered, to get everything I wanted out of my career. I am going to stay at the YMCA. They gave me a huge raise, and I can literally add or cut hours whenever i want. So as soon as they find a new lifeguard, I am going to back to working only about 20-25 hours a week...which will be great...and about the same amount of money thanks to the raise. So I am happy now, although I was really stressed for a couple days. I went to the doctor and found out that I am about 9 weeks along, and I am having an ultrasound next week to make sure everything is normal. and thats about are showing up at our house right now to go paintballing this afternoon, so i better go downstairs and let them in!!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
So today I finally did some cleaning. It took a lot of energy, but I got it done, and now I am ready for a relaxing evening at home. (notice I said relaxing and not We discovered today that Clinton has a RedBox!! yeah I am so excited. It is in the Jewel (which we never go to) So today we got a couple movies from the redbox, and I am gonna lay on the couch and eat some ice-cream!!
One funny thing about Cheyenne that we have been laughing at lately is that every animal she sees is a puppy. Her stuffed giraffe, monkey, teddy bear, lamb, you get the idea, she calls them all puppy!! :) it is so funny!! She is so cute!
One funny thing about Cheyenne that we have been laughing at lately is that every animal she sees is a puppy. Her stuffed giraffe, monkey, teddy bear, lamb, you get the idea, she calls them all puppy!! :) it is so funny!! She is so cute!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
long time
its been a while since I have last posted, and you are all probably wondering what is going on in my life. Well the truth is...I am working a lot, and then when I am not working, I am sleeping. I ahve been sooooo tired lately, I just can't believe it. My house is a total disaster and it is starting to smell in here...i really need to clean!! but when I have time to clean, all I want to do is sleep. AHHHH how long will I feel this exhausted all the time?? I am ready to get some of my energy back!!!
I got a job offer at a new gym that is coming to Clinton, with less hours a week, and double the pay. I think I am gonna take it. I just need to have another meeting to finalize details and all that good stuff. So please pray that I make the right decision, and that things will stop being so hectic around here.
I got a job offer at a new gym that is coming to Clinton, with less hours a week, and double the pay. I think I am gonna take it. I just need to have another meeting to finalize details and all that good stuff. So please pray that I make the right decision, and that things will stop being so hectic around here.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
small town life
so it is homecoming week here in Fulton. and it is like straight out of a movie or tv show. the whole town is into it. Buisnesses paint their store windows, homeowners put signs in their front is so crazy. But I have to admit, I am kind of getting into it. Its fun, and there really isn't anything else going on, so why not get involved. I went to the volleyball game last night, and tomorrow they are showing a movie at the football feild...and Friday there is a parade!! I mean seriously, do places like this still exsist!! Its should all experiance it sometime!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
thats true
So you all probably figured it out by now. We are expecting our next child!!! We haven't been to the doctor yet but we are estimating a due date in early may. It was fun to post it and watch people's reactions when they found out. Sorry to anyone who was mad we didn't call them personally, but you know, this was kind of fun.
In other news....cheyenne is doing alright. the other day she woke up from her nap with a puffy red eye, and it didn't get any better the next morning. So we went to the doctor. Turns out she has an ear infection and an eye infection. I have to give her eyedrops three times a day. that is one of the hardest things to do!! any suggestions? Well I have to go to work for a little bit, and then off to a wedding!!
In other news....cheyenne is doing alright. the other day she woke up from her nap with a puffy red eye, and it didn't get any better the next morning. So we went to the doctor. Turns out she has an ear infection and an eye infection. I have to give her eyedrops three times a day. that is one of the hardest things to do!! any suggestions? Well I have to go to work for a little bit, and then off to a wedding!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
She's getting so big
She is growing up everyday. She is now big enough to play at the play places at Mcdonalds and Burger King. These pictures are from Dave's birthday when we went to eat at dave's choice of Burger King!! ymu yum



Saturday, September 15, 2007
good morning
good morning everyone. i really don't have a lot to say, but i felt like posting anyway. today is just another day. we are gonna clean the house and go grocery shopping, and to the bank. We might hit up the park or something cause it is so nice, or we might start painting our downstairs rooms. so that is what we are off to do. in case you cared!!!! :)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
life is lookin up
have you heard the phrase (or verse, or proverb) ? God never gives you more that you can handle? Well I have really been shown this week, that it is true. Monday was a really bad day, and I was stressing out, and having a mental breakdown because of all the stuff I have gonig on at work, and I was about ready to quit. Well the next two days really showed me that God listens to us when we are stressed and helps us out. Tuesday was a good day, I got to go home a little early b/c someone didn't show up, then Wednesday was a even better day. I was suppose to go in at 6:30 but three of my clients were gone, so i didn't have go in till 9. Then later that day I was talking to the pool supervisor about stuff, and he understood what I was gonig through, and I am no longer having to do swim lessons...(which is great, i didn't like them anyway) and my hours are gonna get switched again, and I am finally gonna get the raise I deserve!!!! yeah! God knew I was doing to much. So my new hours won't go into effect till Doug (the other trainer) leaves. But then I will be working mornings and two evenings, and I will have afternoons off!!! it is gonna work so much better, and I feel better already!! okay this is a really long post, so thank you for reading it through! have a great day! I gotta go make lunch before its off to work! ttyl
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
sorry i haven't posted in a while. I have been so busy with work, its not even funny. I haven't really been handeling it very well. Yesterday I was suppose to get off at 4, and someone called in sick and I had to stay till 6. it was only two hours, but it totally pissed me off, and made me so mad and depressed. I was almost ready to quit, that is how tired I was, and it made me realize how much working full time was affecting me. but I really miss cheyenne, and being home with her. I am gonna stick it out for a while longer, and see if it gets any better. Yesterday was just a bad day. I had to stay late, and the other trainer who works fo me told me he is quitting. so yeah, bad day, but I am hoping it will get better
Friday, September 7, 2007
no worries
No worries all, the bumps on cheyenne are just mere bug bites. thank you all for your concern though!!!! She is doing just great.....she is learning to jump lately. She will stand on the first step of her slide, turn around, stick her neck out, and "jump" into my arms. I have her in my arms the whole time, but it is so cute to watch her try to take off and jump. she is getting so big!!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I started my water class today. I had seven people show up, which isn't bad, but its not great either. I was hoping that I would get at least 10, but it is only the first day. The people who took it sadi that they really liked it, and I felt that it went pretty smoothly. There is one lady who takes it, who hates water (why take a water class?) so she won't leave the shallow end, which makes it kind of hard for me to include everyone when we are working in the deep end, but hey I will make it work. overall i think it well, i am hoping i get a better turn out as time goes on.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Thanks a lot Andrew
You all know Dave is huge into football and fanatsy football. Well he has formed a team with some of our friends from St. Louis, and from here. Well I don't play because I don't know anything about football, and it really doesn't interest me. Well our friend Andrew from St. Louis just got engaged and is getting marriend in Janurary. He decided to drop out of the leauge so that he can plan his wedding. So now there are uneven teams, which I guess won't work, so as you might have guesses...I am forced to play....thank you andrew, I will make sure I will buy you a nice wedding present!!! :) oh well,, wouldn't it be really funny if I ended up beating dave? everyone cheer me on!!!
Friday, August 31, 2007
that is cheyenne's favorite word. she says it all the time. She will drop something on the floor on purpose just to say uh-oh. it is so funny and so cute. she is starting to say more words, although you really have to interpert them. Today she said.."Hello Sally" and she said it like three times. IF you all don't know Sally is the lady that watches her every morning at the Y. And when she leaves the daycare in the afternoon (a different one from Sally, where there is a dog) she always says bye bye puppy!! it is so cute!!!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Can you tell???
Can you tell that I am getting busy? I haven't posted anything all week, and the reason is, this is the first time I have really sat down at my computer. I have been working full time now...which really isn't that bad, I actually like it...(granted I just got paid yesterday) and youth group has started this week, and it went great yesterday!! we had 40 kids at the high school youth group!!!! that is the most they have ever had!! it was awesome, and worship with themwas so good, they actually sang and got into it. We are so excited to see what God is going to do this year with all those kids. And I kind of realized something today...even though summer doesn't really mean that much to me....aka I don't get off of work, i don't have kids in school, life really doesn't change really does get busier in the fall, even if you aren't involved in school. crazy...okay g2g. have a great day all!!!! enjoy the awesome weather
Monday, August 27, 2007
Blessing in Disguise
okay first of all i don't know how to spell don't laugh. Today I went into work with a full agenda. I had clients at 8 and 10 and a lot of other stuff to do. Well I showed up about 7:50 and waited for the daycare to open..(suppose to open at 8) while I waited and waited and waited and waited. the daycare lady never came, I stayed till about 9:00 making phone calls and doing little stuff, and then since there was no daycare, I left. Now I have the morning off....what to do, I just don't know, I am gonna sit here on the internet and just enjoy a few moments of peace and quiet, while cheyenne sleeps!!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
How do you teach a one year old not to hit. How do you teach her to share, and not to be violant? Today at daycare, she was hitting everyone, like hard, and anytime someone would play with a toy she liked, she would hit them. She even hit the babysitter!! What do I do? She is only a year old, how do you teach her that it is wrong? Is she old enough now for time outs and stuff like that? Does she know what she is doing or is it just instinct? Man I got a spoiled brat for a kid...ahhhhhhhhhhh
Thursday, August 23, 2007
This is Exciting
So I had a what you may call esteem booster the other day. These are nice to get every now and then, but you have to make sure that they don't go to your head. So here is the story that has made me feel good all week. One of the girls from our youth group, who graduated this past spring and has now moved about 1.5 hours away for college, her family is going to the cubs game Labor Day weekend, and each kid got an extra ticket to take a friend. And out of all the poeple she could have chosen.....she chose me! It just feels kind of nice that even though we have only been here less than a year, we are impacting people's lives and making friends and connections. So I get to go experiance Wrigley Feild, for the first time in my life!! yeah! oh and dave doesn't get to go....not gonna lie, he is kinda jealous! :)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
I know I promised a picture on Tuesday, and today is Sunday and I am finally posting it. This week has been really busy. I picked up more hours at work, and now i am working 40+ hours, so it is a little adjustment to my life. and then yesterday we went to six flags and it like rained almost all day and the costers kept getting shut down....anyway that is a totally different story. I know you all have been here it is, the picture of my new haircut!!!! okay its not the greatest pic, but its hard to take a pic of yourself and get a good one

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I did it
I finally got my hair cut. It was such a long time since I have had a good cut, and I think I got one. I love not having the feelinf of hair hanging down my neck, and I love not having to wear a pon ytail to work everyday. I will post a pic of it soon as the batteries to the camera get charged! then you can all tell me how gorgous I am!! :) hahaha jk
Monday, August 13, 2007
Happy Anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary to Dave and I!! It have been two years today. It seems like such a long time, but then sometimes it feels like yesterday. We have been through a lot in the past two years, and I think that it has brought us even closer than we were. I love him so much, and can't wait to see what the next two/twenty years are gonna throw at us. Now I am not telling you it has been easy, not at all, this have been probably the hardest two years I have ever lived, and without Dave I wouldn't have made it at all. He is so strong and has so much trust in the Lord, I have learned so much from him. He's great!!!!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Is is that time already???
I can't believe how fast time goes by, really I mean, I feel like we just had the superbowl, and now football is back!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I am sitting on my couch watching the first bears game of the pre-season. IT's not even the real season, and we are watching it!!! now come on, how come the off season is so short, and now football is going to take up dave's life!! he already has got his fanatsy stuff all set up, and is buying magazines, and doing 'research' anybody else have husbands or boyfriends totally obssesed with football??? its gonna be a looooong winter
Thursday, August 9, 2007
i thought my blog dissapered
So I went to sign in this morning and they said that my account didn't exsist, and then I just tryed to type in my blog address and they said it didn't exsist...I was starting to make a new one, when it started working again......i was freaking out, but now I am okay!! weird computers
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
I love my job but ahhhhhhh
I am so stressed out right now!! I got all this new responcibilites at work, which is good, but aslo you ahve already heard. But now I have to type up this huge statistical report about how well my program is going. I did not sign up for a office job, and lately it seems like I have so much computer work to do, its not even funny. So I have this huge report to type up, and the meeting is tomorrow, and on top of all that, my family is coming to visit tomorrow, and the house is just a mess. I don't know if I am going to get it all done. Why does life have to be so stressful....I love my job, I love what I do, but there are parts of it, that I do not like! This is one of them. I don't even know how to write a profressional report with statsitcs and all that crap...I never took that class in college!! :) Well I guess I should stop procrastinating.
Monday, August 6, 2007
work work work
Do you ever feel under-appreciated? That is how I am feeling at work right now. I have all these responsibilities and do a lot for the Y, and I get nothing in return. In fact I get 'talked to'. Now my boss is never around enough to see what I do day in and day out, in fact he is rarely there when I am there, so I don't see how he can 'talk' to me because he just doesn't know. So I am out to prove him wrong! He is making me give evaluations to all my clients to fill out about me, and so far they have all come back totally positive...everyone who I work with, loves me!! (which makes me feel really good, and makes me want to work harder) but hopefully it will show my boss that I am working hard, and that I am doing a lot even if he doesn't notice. I love my job, but there are some things that are just soooooo frustratin!! While speaking of work, I have to go do some right now.....:(
Saturday, August 4, 2007
This Sucks
So the flu has hit this family pretty hard. Cheyenne started all the drama on Tuesday night, and then Dave continued it yesterday, and then finally I got it late last night. I don't remember how much being sick really stinks!! I have been in bed all day pretty much and to tell you the truth, I still have my paiamas on! The one good thing about today is that Cheyenne is so tired that she has been literally sleeping all day. She gets up to eat, and thats about it. So that has given me time to sleep. PS..I really like typing, I could go on and on about things becasue I just don't want to stop typing, its so fun!! Okay I am really weird, I think I need some food in my stomache! ok good bye I guess I am going to stop now.
Friday, August 3, 2007
We are painting the youth center! We started on the walls yesterday, and the kids have come up with some great ideas, and it is looking great!! I am so excited for the whole building to get done, and to see how it will look. It will be such a awesome addition to the community, and the kids are really gonna love leat thats what I pray. And guess what theme it is....okay the real theme is 'walking on water' but it is gonna look like an island paradise...there is a beach roon, that has real sand painted into the floor!! It is sooo cool. Even though I live so far from the beach and can't really go at al (which makes me very sad) I can just go downstairs and sit in the beach room and look at palm trees and sand and water. I know its not the same, but you know its better than nothing!!!!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Off to Spin
So it is Thursday, and I am about to go to the Y to take a spin class. This is only the second time I will take the class, and the first time was Tuesday, and they made me TEACH it!!! I had no idea what I was doing, so I made some stuff up, and was pretty much dying and could barely talk because I was so out of breath and sweaty. Then my pants ripped!!!!! seriously I am not making this up. and the mirror is behind me...(cause I am teaching) So my butt is like hanging out for the world to see!! It was so embarrassing. So I am gonna give the class another try, but I am praying that the real teacher shows up today. PS. what is an embarrassing thing that you have had happen lately?
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Poor Baby :(
It has been a loooooong night. Poor Cheyenne was up almost all night sick. And let me tell you it was discusting!!! She must of had some spoiled milk or something that didn't agree with her stomach because she threw up pretty much everything she ate yesterday. It was so sad, and so gross. I pretty much gagged through the whole thing. we would just lie on the couch with a bowl, and wait for the next explosion. But she seems to be doing better this morning, I stayed home from work this morning to be with her. So yeah that was my fun fun.!!!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
So I want to ask for a raise at work.....well I kind of already did. But how do you go about the most professional way? I could say I will quit if I don't get a raise, but in reality, I love my job, and really can't afford to quit seeing as it is pretty much the only health club in town. So if I say that, and they so, sorry see ya later-then I am gone. But if they think that I love my job, and will never leave, then they will never give me a raise, because I won't do anything drastic about it anyway. So what do I do? Do I just present my case and hope for the best, or do I become more aggressive hoping I still have a job at the end of the day. (ps. I really love my job, and don't want to leave.) AHHHH I am so torn. What would you do???
Monday, July 30, 2007
Small Blessings
So as some of you know when we moved to Fulton from St. Louis...(with a little detour to Michigan) we drastically decreased our living area....well today I am feeling so thankful for the smaller space...I know it sounds weird, but hey I had to clean the eniter house today, because it was so nasty...and it only took me like 3 hours!! In St. Louis it would have taken me like two days!!! So I am in a good mood...I love relaxing on my couch when my house is clean!! (doesn't happen too often :)
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Oh LIfe
So I got this great new idea to like redo our house kind of...I want to carpet the basement and turn it into a playroom/den. And now I really just want to do it, and be done with it....I have no patience at all!!! AHHHHH We were suppose to work on our house all day yesterday, but you know how things go, Cheyenne slept in, so I slept in, Dave slept in, and then the whole day is gone!! maybenext Saturday we will get our lives organized!!! So all you people out there who live in Iowa or what no......We just got back from the PIZZA RANCH!! I heard a lot about this resturant in college, and I finally went there today, and let me tell you, it was an enjoyable experiance. I just might have to go again soon. Okay I am off to the church, the team that went on the mission trip is hosting a dinner for everyone who donated to the trip, its gonna be great, we are making Jambalya!!!! wish us luck!!!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Great Times



I went to Chicago yesterday to visit my two best friends from college...Frances and Louisa!! It was so much fun, and it was really what I needed. I was feeling kind of bored and lazy and I felt like I never do anything fun anymore, and it was getting me a little depressed, so I decided to go see some great friends. And let me tell you, we had a great time!!! It was so much fun to just sit and talk and laugh A LOT!!! They were great therapy!!! So if you ever feel upset about something, or depressed about anything, just get up and do something about, let me tell you it feels great!!! here are some pictures of my fantastic day!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I figured it out



I figured out how to put picutes on here, I am sure you are all happy now!!! I will try so hard to get better at taking pictures and putting them online for you all to see!! Here are two pictures of Cheyenne just being her goofy self, and then a great picture of the best jambalya I have ever had!!!. We went to New Orleans on Wednesday and ate at this little hole in the wall that had awesome food!! It was sooooooo good!!!
Hard Work pays off!!!!
So it has been over a year since Cheyenne was born, and life has been pretty crazy since then, and it hasn't been until like Feburary where I felt setteled, and in a routine of life. And let me tell you its a great feeling. So since then I have been working at the YMCA feeling kind of like an imposter, because I teach people everyday how to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle, but I was still holding on to a lot of pregnacy weight. Well I am sooo excited to let you all know that I am sitting here writing this blog in my pre-pregnancy jeans!!!! YEAH!!!! It is truely a milestone, because I actally feel comfortable in them!! Well yeah that is my exciting news of the day, I thought you all would enjoy that. Now I am going to try to figure out how to post pictures on this thing!!!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Almost Home
We are on our way back from Bay St. Louis and an awesome week doing Katrina relief. We are in St. Louis tonight, and will be back home tomorrow. I am so ready to see Cheyenne. I think I did pretty good, the one thing that made it so hard was that she was sick all week, and crabby, and so that didn't really help matters. But now I am so close I just want to go home NOW! but our kids had an awesome week, and experianced awesome things. I don't have much time to chat, but I will tell you all about our week later on this week.!!!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Off to Mississippi
Well the trailor is packed, and the van is gased up, we are ready to go. We are leaving tomorrow morning bright and early for Bay St Louis, Mississippi with 9 of our high schoolers for a week of Hurricane Katrina relief. Please be praying for us, that the group gets along and bonds on the trip, that kids grow closer to Christ, or even encounter Him for the first time, pray for the people we will be helping, and last of all, please pray for Dave and I as we lead these teens this coming week. This is my first trip as a adult leader, so I am a little nervous, but I think it will be an awesome week. I am also nervous about leaving Cheyenne for a whole week. Joy will do a fantastic job though. Give her a call this week, she will probably be bored!!!! Let's hit the road!!!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Crazy Day
So we went to the doctor yesterday, and Cheyenne is doing great. She is exactly 20lbs! Right on track for a 1 year old. She also got three shots, which she screamed her head off foe, but only for like 2 I thought that was pretty good.
Today was just crazy. I have been trying and trying to get my lifegaurd certification. So today we were suppose to do it from 10:30 to whenever we were done (2:00 or 3:00) Well, the guy in charge is totally crazy and didn't show up untill 1:15 (totally unprofessional) So I sat around the YMCA waiting fo him all morning, and after everything was said and done, I had put in a 10 hour day, which for most people is like no big deal, but I am used to working only like 4 hours at a am I tired tonight!! So wish me luck I have to take the written test tomorrow.
Today was just crazy. I have been trying and trying to get my lifegaurd certification. So today we were suppose to do it from 10:30 to whenever we were done (2:00 or 3:00) Well, the guy in charge is totally crazy and didn't show up untill 1:15 (totally unprofessional) So I sat around the YMCA waiting fo him all morning, and after everything was said and done, I had put in a 10 hour day, which for most people is like no big deal, but I am used to working only like 4 hours at a am I tired tonight!! So wish me luck I have to take the written test tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Welcome to our blog!! I (Shanna) have decided to start a blog because I now have a computer at home and I have time to do it. So now you can read all about our exciting life here in Fulton, IL and I will hopefully start getting good at posting pictures, because a lot of you want to see pics of Cheyenne. So lets hope that I am faithful in posting, and that you are faithful in reading and commeting! While we are off to the doctor's for some shots and a one year check up! I'll let you know how it goes.
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