Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Poor Baby :(

It has been a loooooong night. Poor Cheyenne was up almost all night sick. And let me tell you it was discusting!!! She must of had some spoiled milk or something that didn't agree with her stomach because she threw up pretty much everything she ate yesterday. It was so sad, and so gross. I pretty much gagged through the whole thing. we would just lie on the couch with a bowl, and wait for the next explosion. But she seems to be doing better this morning, I stayed home from work this morning to be with her. So yeah that was my fun fun.!!!

1 comment:

Beek's Fam said...

Sorry that she was sick. I hope that she is feeling better today and that you will get some rest too. Thankfully I haven't had to deal with that....yet, but I know that my days are coming!