Sunday, December 9, 2007

Poor Cheyenne

Poor little Cheyenne got the flu yesterday. It was a rough afternoon and night for her. And not only for her, but for me and Dave also...lets just say it was a lot of puke...all over the house :( now I have to try to get the nasty smell out. We are staying home from church today and drinking lots of pedilite. Hopefully she will get better soon. These are the days when I wish I was a stay at home mom so she wouldn't have to go to day care and be exposed to all those germs...

1 comment:

Beek's Fam said...

Oh....I hope she starts feeling better soon. No fun having your child be sick! I hated it when Faith got a cold! I can't imagine dealing with the flu! Hopefully she doesn't pass it on to you or Dave!