Monday, July 30, 2007

Small Blessings

So as some of you know when we moved to Fulton from St. Louis...(with a little detour to Michigan) we drastically decreased our living area....well today I am feeling so thankful for the smaller space...I know it sounds weird, but hey I had to clean the eniter house today, because it was so nasty...and it only took me like 3 hours!! In St. Louis it would have taken me like two days!!! So I am in a good mood...I love relaxing on my couch when my house is clean!! (doesn't happen too often :)

1 comment:

Beek's Fam said...

I hear ya on the clean house thing. Time sure does get away from you when there are children there. I thought that with me being a stay at home mom my house would always be clean and I'd make dinner every night. Yeah, not so much!!! LOL