Friday, November 30, 2007

Definite Diva!!

Cheyenne is going to be a definite girly girl I think. Although she likes to run around a wrestle with daddy, she already LOVES to come her hair, and put on smelly lotion. If you allow her, she will talk on the phone forever, and she absolutly has the biggest shoe fetish I have even seen in a one year old!! We definitly got a girl...and to top it all off she has got the attitude of a diva!! Not looking forward to those teenage years!!!! hahahaha I will try to post some pics soon!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Random Thought

okay this goes out to all of you who are or ever have been pregnant, or anyone who has an opinion. Does being pregnant automatically mean you are helpless? No offense to all the wonderful people in my life, but lately it seems like I can't lift a finger to do anything without being told to stop it and take it easy!! it is driving me nuts!! The kids in the youth group won't let me play any of the fun games. my clients at work are like...."should you be doing that..let me put the weights back" and my loving husband won't let me help unload the car after a long road trip!!! Now am I being ridiculous! It is nice to have people help you out and stuff...but hey I am not on bedrest, I can still carry the laundry basket downstairs people!! :)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

what is wrong with me??:)

I just had a random thought. I am crazy...hahaha!! and I am officially a mom. I am sitting here at the computer eating the leftover easy mac that cheyenne didn't eat and I am using a Baby Fork!! every bit, i am thinking to myself, man it is hard eating this stuff with this fork, i should really get up and get a real one....but I keep on eating, and I don't move! :) hahahaha that is how lazy I am sometimes :) while it made me smile, maybe it will make you smile too

Friday, November 23, 2007


Its been a while since I have posted, and I am sorry. life has been so busy its not even funny. Last friday we took our youth group on a weekend retreat. It was really fun, but a lot of work, and not a lot of sleep. Then on Monday night we left for Dallas Texas. That is a butt long drive, let me tell you!! We ended up having to stop in Kansas and sleep for a while, because this pregnant lady just couldn't handle it anymore. We have been spending Thanksgiving in Texas with Dave's mom and brothers. it has been pretty good. I got to rest a lot cause gma took care of cheyenne. so it has been good. We are leaving for home tonight...hopefully cheyenne will sleep the whole time and not get car sick. well that is about all that is going on around here. oh and by the way, I did beat Dave at fantasy football!! it was a great accomplishment, and i will never let him live it down!! hahaha I ROCK!!!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Time Change

Okay, be honest...who hates the time change? While I DO!!! Why did we have to change our clocks, it is just messing up my life like crazy!!! :) First off, Cheyenne, doesn't understand it at all. and now that it gets lighter a whole lot earlier, she gets up a whole lot earlier. I had her on a good schedule, which I was proud of, she slept till at least 7:30 sometimes 8:00 every morning...which I can handle just fine. Now she is getting up at 6:30 which I can not handle!! ahhhh I just wan to sleep in one day...I want to be able to go back to the days where it didn't matter what time I got out of in college, where if you got up in time for lunch, you were good...oh i want to sleep like that again!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I am so tired!!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007


Do you ever feel like you just need a vacation. I mean we work day in and day out, and we are gonna be doing it for the next what 50 yrs!! oh man that makes me what to take a vacation!!!! I am looking forward to the holiday season, but I am not looking forward to the looooong butt drive to TX!! It will be a nice vaca, in warmer weather, but come on, it is such a long drive!!! that is what I am dreading!! So to everyone out there...i hope you get a nice vacation soon, to get a break from your every day schedule. I know I am sure looking forward to it. I am still trying to enjoy every day for what it is, but you know it is just fun to look forward to something!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Mommy, I want this pumpkin!!!
if you ask her what a kitty says, she will go neow!! it is sooooo cute!!!

feeding the goats! she would just let them lick her fingers and eat right out of her hand!

Catch Up

First off I want to say CONGRADULATIONS to our friends Jason and Nancy from St. Louis who had their first baby girl last week!! Her name is Ella Ruth and she was 8 lbs something. :) Pray for Nancy as she is having a hard recoverey, but is loving being a mom!
Things around the Grigoletti house has been pretty blue. We have all been sick, and it is not fun. Cheyenne has got something gonig on with her, a bad cough, always cranky and tired, and a little fever. I might take her to the doctor today, but I will just wait and see. Dave and I have bad colds. and I though I was done with morning sickness, but yesterday, I just couldn't hold anything down. But hopefully we will all feel better soon. Dave is out of town untill Monday, so my mom is coming to help take care of Cheyenne while I work. Lets see, what else...Halloween was pretty lame around here. Cheyenne and I were sick, so she didn't even dress up or hand out candy, she just slept....sorry no cute pics this year. Well that is about it around here, I am off to try to make my house a little presentable b4 my mom gets here!