Friday, August 24, 2007


How do you teach a one year old not to hit. How do you teach her to share, and not to be violant? Today at daycare, she was hitting everyone, like hard, and anytime someone would play with a toy she liked, she would hit them. She even hit the babysitter!! What do I do? She is only a year old, how do you teach her that it is wrong? Is she old enough now for time outs and stuff like that? Does she know what she is doing or is it just instinct? Man I got a spoiled brat for a kid...ahhhhhhhhhhh

1 comment:

Beek's Fam said...

Gosh, that sure is a tough call. I have no idea. But let me know what you figure out as I'll be needing to know for Faith. Oh wait, my daughter is gonna be perfect and not hit! LOL J/K