Friday, February 22, 2008

Time for an update

Its been a while since I posted. So let me update you on our lives here in Fulton. Not much is going on this week. Our boys basketball team lost in the second round of the playoffs, we got a ping pong table for the youth center, two full time people quit at the Y, leaving room for a possible promotion (if I want it) and the sun finally shined today! :)
Please be praying for Dave's grandma. The cancer has spread and has caused internal bleeding. If they don't start chemo and stop the bleeding she will most likely bleed to death. We all have known that her time is coming, but it still catchs you off guard when something happens. Please pray that she can at least hold on for three weeks when Dave mom flys up from Texas, so that she can see her mom one more time.

1 comment:

Beek's Fam said...

I am so sorry to hear about Dave's gma. She and the family will be in my prayers.