Tuesday, September 30, 2008
On her Way!!
SO I think that Cheyenne is finally on her way to being potty trained! Lately we have been keeping her potty in her bedroom because our bathroom is tiny and it easier to sit in there for ever while she sits on the potty. Anyway last night I put her to bed and went and sat on the couch to watch Heros (great show by the way) about 15 minutes later I hear that potty music. (it plays music when u pee) and I thought Cheyenne was playing with it. So i go in her room ready to tell her its not a toy, and to get back in bed. Well instead I found her buck-naked going potty! She had taken off her pjs and diaper and had actaully gone potty! So I got her dressed again, praised her, but then firmly told her it was time to sleep, and went back to Hero's. 10 minutes later I hear the potty again! She had done it again, and had actually gone again! (she had a lot of juice yesterday) And today she has gone twice! YEAH! I know most of you don't really care, but it is a big deal for me, and I am getting excited!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Dakota's eating cerel!
Today I gave Dakota cerel for the first time. She was acting really hungrey today and the doctor had said to start anytime, so what the heck, I choose today. The first video is a little boreing and a little long. At first she didn't really know what to think and was just confused, but by the second video she is grabbing the spoon and trying to just shove it in. It is just so funny - at least for me it is. She screamed everytime I tried to stop feeding her, and then finally when I said we were down, she just passed out and slept for an hour and a half!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Who Knows!
I thought it was time for an update, but i really don't have much to talk about. So here is what really bothered me this week. So if u know me well u know that i really only follow 4 tv shows. Heros, Prison Break, One Tree Hill and Grey,s Anatomy. So this year I am so excited for new shows and it turns out three of those shows are on monday nights...AT THE SAME TIME!!! now that is totally not fair!!!aww man the drama of my life! i need to get rich and buy a tivo!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
She's a Chunk!!!
Dakota had her 4 month check up today, and she is doing great! She is a really big baby weighing in at 16 lbs!! Cheyenne was only 14lbs at 4 months! So Dakota is a CHUNK!! but she is doing really well, and has learned to roll over. She had to get 4 shots today, and didn't like it one bit. She had a nurse at each leg, holding her down and sticking needles in her. It was so sad to see but I know it is going to keep her healthy! Well thats it, we are off to Cheyenne's swimming lessons!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Well I am very sad to report that the sleeping through the night has not continued. I will just have to tough it out a little longer, and hope that once she starts on cerel she will just zonk right out. In other news I have been doing a lot of thinking about whether or not I should leave the YMCA. My hours have got cut again, and there is really no interest in personal training. It is pretty sad but I have come to the realization that personal training is a big city job, and that you just aren't gonna get people to pay for it in small town. they just don't have the money. Everyone that lives here either works in the factories, or in the schools, and that is about it. So I am looking to get some sort of other job part time just to help pay the bills. (unless u know of a really rich person who can pay off our loans, then I will be a stay at home mom) Anyway, the sad thing is this is a small town, and there is no where to work. So now I am even more torn on what I should do. AHHHH sometime I hate living in the country and really want to move back to a city. Oh well I will figure something out. Everything always works out in the end someway, so I will just keep ya posted!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I am so excited to tell everyone that I and Dakota slept through the whole night last night! She went to bed around 8 and got up at 6:30!! I on the other hand went to bed around 10, and besides a thunderstorm that brought Cheyenne into our bed around 1:00 I slept till 6:30 also!! It was so great, and I am praying that it continues! Sleep is rare around here, and usually comes in two-three hour increments, so lets just say I was hitting the end and really needed a good night! THe pictue below is a good indication on how I used to get a little shut-eye, now I am optimistic that I can get back to sleeping in MY bed at NIGHT!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Dave
Yesterday was Dave's 26th birthday. Overall it was a good day, we got to go on a dat at night, which is always great, because it barely ever happens. The thing Dave liked best about the day is that way Cheyenne got so excited that it was his birthday. She was singing the song all day long, and telling him happy birthday every time she saw him. It was so cute! Here is a little video of it. If you can't understand what she is saying, she is singing happy birthday to you
Monday, September 8, 2008
Something to do in Fulton (while Clinton)

So this weekend there was actually something to do in our little town. While to be fair it was across the river in Clinton. There was an old World War II Navy Ship that was taking a trip down the Mississippe and it stopped in Clinton, and you could go take a tour of it. It was pretty cool, and it was one of the ships that was actually invovled with D-Day. NEway it was pretty fun beside that fact that we forgot Dakota's pacifier and Cheyenne got sick :) (we have decided that untill they are older we are just gonna do nothing, cause it always ends up being a pain in the #$! )
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