Saturday, May 24, 2008

Life as we now know it

Well I have made it through my first week as a mom of two. Its kind of funny, but when it was only Cheyenne I didn't really feel like a mom. I don't really know how to explain it, but I didn't really feel like a full out mom, probably b/c it didn't consume my WHOLE life. I still worked, I still had a "life". but now I feel like a mom, I feel like these two kids are my whole life...which isn't bad, its just totally different. My days now consist of multiple dirty diapers, nursing, giving Cheyenne enough attention, trying to keep the house semi picked up, and cleaning up dog vomit!! :) Dakota is doing really well, although she is getting her days and nights mixed up, last night she was up from about 1:45-4:00, and then Cheyenne decided to get up at 6:00!! Lets just say it is going to be a long day, with no nap in sight! Overall I am doing okay, I have good moments and I have bad moments..but overall I am doing alright!!


andrew,betsy,& noura said...

aw, i was tired just READING the blog! I hope Dakota gets in a schedule soon so you get some rest! I love you!

Beek's Fam said...

Ah honey!!! I hope that you will get some sleep soon. No fun not sleeping. Enjoy your time with your fam this week. I think they are visiting....