Sunday, February 15, 2009
so its time for a break
So I think that it is time for me to take a little break from blogging. I seem to never have time to post, and i am horrible at taking pictures, let alone posting them. so yeah, maybe in a while when we get our lives more on a concrete schedule, and I don't feel like we are living in a whirlwind, I will start doing it again. and plus almost everyone is on facebook now, that i can post my pics there. so goodbye for now! hope you have enjoyed my ranting and raving!!!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
so its been a kind of crazy week. i have started getting more and more personal training clients-which in one way is fantastic! I actually feel like I am doing something good at work, rather then just sitting there wasting my time-i feel like i have a purpose and am actually helping people....which is a great feeling. but then again it is kind of hard on the kids and the fam. because of the job, i have strange hours that are no consistant and some days have me going in at three different time for like an hour each. and it is so exhausting to drag the girls all over the place. in and out, coats on coats off, pack the diaper bag....blah blah blah and by the end of each day I am just exhausted. I have started thinking that maybe I am being selfish in wanting to work so much, even though i know its not the best set up for the kids. Its just that we had cheyenne so early, that I never got to get out there and work full time for a while, like i had hoped - so now i am trying to make it work even though i think God wants me to be more present in my kids lives, but i am having a really hard time accepting i think i have oome to a fork in the road. do we keep trying at this untill we think we got it right, or do i try to be a sahm, even though i think thats not what i want? i am so torn.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Time to Post
Well its finally Saturday and I am sitting down to write a little post. This week has just been nuts. let me tell you. I have been working so much and feel like I am constantly running late for everything!! I have gotten some personal training clients, which is awesome, but at the same time, it makes our lives so complicated. Scheduling everything. decided who has the girls and for how long. In and out of the house like five times a day. its so crazy and choatic, i barely made it through the week. hopefully it will be better soon, and more under control so we can know eachothers schedules, and keep everything straight. I don't know how moms do it who have older kids and younger kids and they have to cart their kids around to every practice, and party, and goodness!! but on the other hand, i did make some pretty good money this week, that will be very usefull in paying off some bills!! :) Today is just a lazy day, cheyenne and I just got done playing in the snow and now we are having hot cocoa. its great, I love saturdays!! I hope you all have a fantastiv weekend!!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009

An attempt at braiding Cheyenne's hair - not quite thick enough yet!! :)

Well its Saturday morning, and looking back on this week I have to say that it has been one of my better ones. I started this week off with a lot of things I wanted to do and I feel so great that I did them. I, like the rest of the world, am starting again at living healthy. I was doing really well before my car accident, but after that I got out of the routine and haven't been doing well at all. So I started again this week and I am proud to say I made it to the Y to work out 4x. My goal was 5x but on Friday I shoveled snow and played outside with Cheyenne, so I counted that. :) The girls have been really good this week. all but for two days, they took naps at the same time and gave me time to have down time myself. Though these holidays I learned a little about myself, in that if I don't get any down time - I turn into a crab!!!
The girls are doing great, i think they are really enjoying being back on a schedule and little Dakota is just all over the place now, really learning to crawl fast!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Oh the holidays

Well the holidays are over and there is no longer anyone staying at my house and both girls are napping at the same time, which hasn't happened in weeks. So i finaly have time to get on the computer. So here is a little update from us. Our holidays were fun and very busy. It was good to have all my family over. Kinda weird to have it at my house this year instaed of my mom and dads, but we still had a really good time. I have a ton of pics, thanks to my mom (i kept forgetting to take them) So I will make a sideshow someday soon to show all of them, but here are just a few from all our holiday celebrations
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