Monday, June 16, 2008

Good and Bad

Well the greatest thing happened last night.....DAKOTA SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!!!! I woke up around 5:30 in a slight panic, but she was still breathing and sleeping was fantastic, I feel like a whole different person today, its amamzing how 6 uninterupted hours of sleep can do for a person!! And now for the bad, Cheyenne turned two yesterday (which was fun) but it must of turned on a mental shift in her head, and now she is just TERRIBLE!! I love the girl, but seriuosly all she does is whine and whine and cry and scream. She got a new bike for her birthday, and she only wants to ride it in the street, and she screams is someone trys to help her, but she really can't do it by herself yet. She goes into the grass and falls off...which makes her even more mad!! oh man she was driving us crazy yesterday. I am praying it was just because she was realy tired and that it won't last.


andrew,betsy,& noura said...

I'm SO glad she slept through the night! Yay! Its amazing how much better you feel. I'm sure Cheyenne just needed some rest too. My dad always calls the twos "terrific twos". Tough but fun:) But isnt it all:)

Maria said...

Whoa! Sorry to send a present that's causing so much trouble! Hope she gets the hang of it and calms the heck down very soon!

Kristin Gort said...

I do it myself

Gozo said...

I was going to make the same comment as Maria. Sorry we caused you such anguish! See you soon!!!